Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Things I Do For an A...

....or at least (hopefully) a high B.

Sit outside for 2 hours in 40 degree weather with WIND (oh my God the Wind!) so that I can observe patterns of behavior in students. So far I've observed that they are smart enough not to stay outside long enough to be observed cause it's frikken freezing!

I have 13 more hours (over a period of a week and a half) to do this.

Yay me.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Stress. I has it.

Things have been a little tense here in casa de Katrina.

The week started off fine but as it wore on, and I started picking out classes to take next quarter, I started entering everything into the spreadsheets (I have 3) that keep track of what I've taken, what I am taking, and what I will take so that I graduate on time (on time being next June).

Everything started off looking great and I was quite happy in my ignorance...and then last night, quite on accident, it all unraveled. Spectacularly I might add.

So I spent today running around DU (got my exercise!) and, unfortunately, everything I had feared was true. Thus, we had to work out a new game plan for still graduating on time - a game plan that includes taking an entire year worth of science over the summer *ouch* and paying out of pocket **double ouch** for at least one course.

But hey, at least I found the problem now and not this time next year - right???

Maybe I should take a page from Tobey's book and just kick back and relax.

Tobey's Got a Cruh-ush!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


It's that time of year again - time to start planning the classes for next quarter! Yes, we just had midterms - but since we're on a quarter system here, classes only go for about 10 weeks! Hard to imagine huh? But it definitely keeps you busy.

So I was going through the catalog trying to figure out what I still needed to take and struggling a bit because there were about 5 classes that I want/need to take and they're not offered! Ack, there is nothing quite like not being able to get into a class for whatever the reason. Frustrating is a nice word for it.

But I was able to find 3 classes and I've got everything crossed I actually get into them (that'll be about 2 weeks from now). I also need to find one more class because the way I figured it out, between now and Spring 2010, I've got 16 class slots.

And I have exactly 16 classes still to be taken. Hopefully I won't have any trouble filling up those slots!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Can I Have It?

Please? Pretty, pretty please with a little white picket fence out front?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Got some unexpected results...

...from two of my exams.

One was the Sociology test that I took last Wednesday. I thought I had done pretty well but today I got it back and nope, much, much worse. I'd had my fingers crossed for a low A but had prepared myself for something in the mid-high B's but I was nowhere near prepared for a 76% (that's a C/C+ for those of you who haven't had to worry about grades for awhile)!

I have to wait 24hrs to see the test again but I'm going to made a point to review it to death so that I can see exactly where I went wrong. There were 50 1pt T/F or Multiple choice questions (I got 8 wrong) but there were also 5 essays worth a total of 25pts. I got 15!!! 15 our of 25? That's awful. Painfully, consumingly ... awful. I'm going to meet with the gal who graded it to see what she was looking for and see if I can't eek out a few extra points (maybe a low-low-low B - I mean, 10 pts off is like saying I didn't do 2 out of 5 of the questions). Even if I can't, at least I'll have some notes to make sure I do it right the next time.

And then, right after I took that very painful grade-dagger to the chest, I went to my Spanish class to find out that the grades for the Spanish test we took yesterday were in (yes, he has very quick turn around). Spanish has been (by far) my easiest class, so I wasn't thinking about it too much until I saw the red inked 91.5% scribbled across the top. 91.5%!?! But that' much worse than last time. That's almost (gulp)...a B!

So now, I'm a tad worried about the Mass Communication test I took on Tuesday. I haven't been worried at all but now, seeing as I, unknowingly, went into the other two with blinders on, I am definitely going to be squinting at that upper right hand corner when she hands it back - just in case (kinda like the whole 'cover-your-eyes-but-peek-through-your-fingers' bit).

No matter what grade comes back on the Mass Comm test, there are still two tests in a row I should have done much better on.


Overall, I have an A in my Spanish class, have no idea in two other classes (Interactive Media and Mass Communications), and a very painful 76% in Sociology (because all that counts in Sociology is the 3 tests that we take!!! He did offer us an extra credit assignment that's worth up to an extra 10 percentage points - I'm almost 100% that means a full letter grade - and I will be taking him up on that).

Geez. What a way to be brought down to earth, huh? Just goes to show, something's been off this quarter and I need to figure out what it is, fix it, and step up.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Case (Against) Naps

So Saturday night around midnight, I got a text asking me what I was doing.

Naturally, since midterms are this week, I was doing absolutely nothing.

After a little while, I agreed to meet up with some friends. I got in around 2:30am.

Fast forward to today (Sunday). About 5pm, I decide to close my eyes. I woke up at 9:45p - and only then because I heard a text come through on my phone. WHOOPS!

And now, it is 2:52am (Monday) and I am not the least bit tired. Luckily class starts at tomorrow at noon and I am seriously hoping some form of exhaustion sets in soon otherwise I stand a real chance of passing out right there in front of everyone.

The only good thing to come out of it is that I've used the extra time to do a little work on one of my midterms Tuesday morning. My teacher gave us the questions we'll have (2 essays) and suggested we outline the content that we want to include. I'm not allowed to bring in anything but she said memorize the outline and that will help out. Tuesday I also have another Spanish test - I need to get on that, I'm quite behind.

And then Thursday, my Interactive Media project is due and that one is just tying me up in knots. The project is a big pain in the butt, really only because I don't 100% understand it. So I'm hoping to schedule some 1-on-1 time with the teacher and make sure that what I've put together is on the right track.

So that's my news. It's 3am and I am awake. And not the least bit tired. Grooooovy.

Update: 4am - still awake. WIDE awake. Just fired off the outline for essay question #1 to Mass Comm. teacher. Still making use of this time. Fun, fun.

Update: 5am - still awake. Not so much WIDE but still enough to know that if I lay down now, I'd stare at the ceiling for awhile. Got the 2nd essay question all worked out. I'm really comfy with this question, so no need to email her on this one. I also emailed my Interactive Media teacher and requested that meeting (see? still making use of my 'awake' time!) so I'll wait until a decent hour to check for a response from him.

I can hear cars starting up and traffic on the roads (light but there). When I do eventually get to bed, I better be able to sleep!