Friday, August 29, 2008

My First Post.


Unknown said...

Katrina! Congratulations for going out on your own--how exciting!! I hope you like all of your classes at your new school and get to meet lots of cool new people!!

vanessa jaye said...

Hey, Hon! WoOt, your own apartment, how fantastic is that!?! Love the blog, I'll be adding the link to my sidebar soon! Work hard, but remember to have fun, too!

Katrina Glover said...

Hi Auntie Annie and VJ! Thanks so much for the congrats. I went thru the Orientation this last week and met some really great people.

The apartment is really, really shaping up! I've got a couch now and (even better) a BED! OMG, I love my bed. I set it up today, laid down for a second to enjoy it, and fell right asleep. I just have to say it again, I LOVE MY BED!

Thanks again for stopping by guys. Come back soon :)