Anyway, have I said how gorgeous Denver is? I mean, when you think about it, cities aren't all that pretty. There are tall buildings and cars and noise and all the stuff that comes from lots of people in not all that big of a space...but Denver (or at least my corner of it) is probably the cleanest city I've ever seen.
I've gotten over the worst of my cold (now just to get rid of this annoying cough) and this week I'm back to riding my bike. Wow, I missed it. The cool mornings, the wind in my face, the flex and pull of my legs as I race to school. I even missed riding home (which I have gotten so very good at). Now it only takes me about 1/2 an hour to get home - and I found out that I don't have to carry my bike up to my apartment every day - there is a bike rack at the back of our building. Yippee!
Yesterday, one of the gals from my Orientation week showed me where the Light Rail (picture an above ground subway and you've got it) station is on campus. I had absolutely no idea that you (I) could take my bike on it! But it turns out you can and it is great! It also turns out that we live only a few short blocks from each other, so that was neat too. I can definitely see myself taking the Light Rail when the weather turns too cold to ride (I'm not crazy enough to ride through ice or snow...even with my trusty helmet). And the stop is only about 3 blocks from my apartment so its nice and close.
Other than that, my classes are already talking about midterms! Wow, I feel like I just started and now we're halfway done. Some are as early as next week, while others are the following so I guess I'll be doing a lot of prep work this weekend. Right now, my most challenging class is Spanish - and it's the only class that has 'real' tests because we've got vocabulary and such to memorize.
I think my favorite class is the Computer Science course that I am taking in lieu of Math (best choice I ever made). This semester we're using Java to design games and it is A LOT of fun and quite challenging as well. I think my background in CSS/HTML helps in understanding formatting and such but the actual code is quite different. I'm really enjoying it.
I also have decided on my minor (which I'll probably be declaring sometime this week - by that, I mean informing the school of my decision). I've chosen marketing because it's something that will come in handy at any of the bigger corps that I apply to. I haven't really done much research into what it all entails but I know I'm up for it so I'll probably grab some of those classes next semester.
Other than that, everyone is happy and healthy. Tobey managed to swallow something that he's been trying to clear from his throat but it doesn't seem to irritate him so I'm not worried (and no, it's not a hairball). Charlie is still the more rambunctious of the two (which is odd because he's older and I originally though that he would settle Tobey) but when he gets in his mood he's the one that'll headbutt you and demand attention.
Oh! and, good news, I have lost at least 1 jean size. Woot, woot!
Alrightie, well that concludes the break I have today. I'm supposed to meet with the Digital Media Studies counselor in about 15 minutes so I'd better start heading over there.
Enjoy the pictures of the kits!
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