Are you seeing the time on this post? No? Well, it is 1:12AM. Waaay past my bedtime - except that I got home a little after 12AM and I just haven't fallen out yet.
This week has been I.N.S.A.N.E. I never really fully comprehended the idea of 'midterms' OR all the pressure that comes with them. This week I had 2 midterms: Spanish on Monday and Digital Media Studies (DMST) on Tuesday. The Spanish one I studied like crazy for ... but the DMST, I was fairly confident in so I didn't do too much. Now, just two days later, I have the results in for BOTH - 91% for the Spanish and 94% for DMST! How is that for irony? I did better on the one I didn't stress over (I think there's a message in there somewhere....)!
NEXT week my schedule looks something like the following:
Monday - Philosophy midterm 10AM / Spanish composition due
Tuesday - HUGE project due in Computer Science (my most challenging course). I'm lucky we're working with partners but seriously, this is the most work I've EVER done in my classes! And then right after, I have an oral presentation in DMST
Wednesday - study for Thursday
Thursday - Midterm 12p for Computer Science. Seriously, my partner and I are getting together almost every single day for at least 2 hours to go over the stuff in this class. It's a lot to take in (and remember!)
Doesn't that schedule just make you cringe? I mean, yikes! I will be so happy when it is all over. I like challenge, but wow, it's comin' all at once and it's like a freight train you just cannot outrun. I just hope I don't get run over!
Tomorrow though, I have been invited (by 2 people - which is better than 1 because it's a big group thing and it's better to have more than 1 contact in a group) to go to a party for one of the guys in my Orientation group. Apparently, we are going to dinner and then 'out'. I tried to pump some info on what 'out' meant but no 100% answer on that. Guaranteed fun, however, and right now, I am totally and completely ready to have some FUN.
Just so long as I can get out of bed Saturday and resume Life During Midterms.
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