When I was first tossing around the idea about going abroad, my one big reason for not being able to go was because I had the Boys. Well, Auntie Vamp quickly shot down my reasoning by graciously offering to take both Tobey and Charlie for the duration of my stay in Austria.
Sadly, Tobey managed to get out about two weeks ago and, even sadder, has vanished, which here, usually means he didn't make it. I've gone 10 rounds with myself over him getting out but in the end, there's nothing I can do to change the past and Charlie still needed a good home while I was gone.
Auntie Vamp's it was. Only first, we had to get through the car ride.
In the beginning, Charlie was...shall we say...not too fond of the car:
He started with a sweet and short protest.
No thanks, I think I'll stay right here. These little peddle things make a cool backrest.
When that didn't work, he resorted to screaming.
Then, after two hours of pretty much non-stop howling, he calmed down (read: passed out):
After a ridiculously long amount of time, we arrived at Auntie Vamp's:
To make sure Charlie was adjusted to his new surroundings, I stayed a few days and listened as my little King schooled Auntie Vamp in exactly how he likes things done, including food never served above room temperature, belly rubs at any given moment, and unimpeded access to the chest when he wants a snuggle.
After we snorted our "yah, rights" to that, I told her just to make sure he had food and water and a clean box and the boy was good to go.
Luckily, Charlie has had a soft spot Auntie Vamp from day 1 (literally) and he was willing to negotiate the exact terms and conditions. Because he loves her, see?
Now, I am back in San Diego and missing my little man very much. Auntie Vamp has already texted to say that he is getting along very well in his new surroundings and even has a new BFF - who just happens to be Auntie Vamp's BF. But even though he's being spoiled out of his mind right at this very moment with things I've probably denied him for the past year, you can see in his eyes how much he wants me back soon, right?
Awww great post. Love the pics. Charlie's a beautiful kitty.
Thank you, I agree :0) I really lucked out when I stumbled across that extra aisle at the animal shelter.
He's been the perfect brother to Tobey.
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