Monday, September 15, 2008

A quickie.

I'm sitting in Philosophy class (we're on break) and I am still taking some deep breaths over the ride here this morning. I don't know what/where I went wrong but this morning kicked my butt. To the point that I barely made it up the first block before I was heaving and huffing like it had been 10 years off a bike instead of 4 days.

I even had to stop at the store because I was about to pass out (those who have seen me work out at the gym - just picture me in our aerobic class with purple lips, etc). I gulped down some water but even that didn't help too much.

I made it to class with 2 minutes to spare instead of the normal 20 min early. Seriously, something went way wrong this morning.

And in a couple hours, I get to do it again but this time. Up hill.

Yay me.

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