Whoever the smart*** is who signed me up for all the junk email, thank you.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate getting the emails about Viagra, Russian Brides, "Add 2+ inches NOW", etc.
So, really, THANK you.
One day, I hope to realize who you are, you anonymous do gooder, and return the favor.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
It's Official...
I. Am. In. Love.
With the Denver Library.
Did you know that this library is offering FREE e-book downloads? I'm talking about REAL e-books. The kind you would pay for on sites like (great site!) and it completely saves a trip to the Library itself.
Amazing! With just a few mouse clicks, I can be browsing hundreds of books that with just another click will be downloaded onto my computer for my enjoyment.
Now, before you go about getting anything in a painful wad, the download is only temporary (21 days - just like if you'd done a traditional checkout), and you can't save the book (well, I am sure there's some way to do it :::as there is with everything:::) but I am just so in love with the features, I'm happy just as things are.
Ahhh, ain't love grand?
With the Denver Library.
Did you know that this library is offering FREE e-book downloads? I'm talking about REAL e-books. The kind you would pay for on sites like (great site!) and it completely saves a trip to the Library itself.
Amazing! With just a few mouse clicks, I can be browsing hundreds of books that with just another click will be downloaded onto my computer for my enjoyment.
Now, before you go about getting anything in a painful wad, the download is only temporary (21 days - just like if you'd done a traditional checkout), and you can't save the book (well, I am sure there's some way to do it :::as there is with everything:::) but I am just so in love with the features, I'm happy just as things are.
Ahhh, ain't love grand?
Discovering Denver,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Houston, We're live!
So, what do you think? How do you like the new look?
I have to say, I love the colors.
In case you can't remember what the old one looked like, I thought I'd refresh your memory:

So, what do you think of the new look? Do you like the old one or the new?
I have to say, I love the colors.
In case you can't remember what the old one looked like, I thought I'd refresh your memory:

So, what do you think of the new look? Do you like the old one or the new?
new look
Socs test - done. over with. fin-e-to. bye-bye.
Results - next Wednesday.
I'm going to go chew my nails now.
Results - next Wednesday.
I'm going to go chew my nails now.
University of Denver
Monday, January 26, 2009
Keep an eye out...
we'll be getting a new look here soon!
PS. I had a Spanish test last Wed. Just got the score back today: 98.5% - woot!
PPS. My first midterm is Wednesday. No prayer will be turned away (unless the gist of it says something like, "Dear God, please let Katrina fail...").
PS. I had a Spanish test last Wed. Just got the score back today: 98.5% - woot!
PPS. My first midterm is Wednesday. No prayer will be turned away (unless the gist of it says something like, "Dear God, please let Katrina fail...").
feelin' the heat,
University of Denver
Friday, January 23, 2009
Sure. They may look all cute and sweet and innocent now...
But then you walk into the room and see this.
So far, Tobey is the one trying to get back on my good side.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Apparently I've been doing a lot of walking. I am aware of this because when I went to get up at the end of class today, my feet did not want to cooperate.
Just how much walking? About 12 miles this week. It's usually more around 16 but Monday was a holiday. But still, 12 miles? That's a lot of walking.
So I am treating myself to a Light Rail ride home. Because today is Thursday, it's not saving my feet really. I walk an extra mile - mile and a half every Tues and Thurs because the Mass Comm building is in No Man's Land.
So, in reality, I walk more than 16 mi a week but shhh, don't tell my feet. I'll let them go on thinking I'm cheating by taking the Light Rail home.
In fact, I think I'll make it a Tues/Thurs tradition.
Sounds good to me (and my feet).
Just how much walking? About 12 miles this week. It's usually more around 16 but Monday was a holiday. But still, 12 miles? That's a lot of walking.
So I am treating myself to a Light Rail ride home. Because today is Thursday, it's not saving my feet really. I walk an extra mile - mile and a half every Tues and Thurs because the Mass Comm building is in No Man's Land.
So, in reality, I walk more than 16 mi a week but shhh, don't tell my feet. I'll let them go on thinking I'm cheating by taking the Light Rail home.
In fact, I think I'll make it a Tues/Thurs tradition.
Sounds good to me (and my feet).
mobile blog,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I ran into a brick wall...
and this is all I have to show for it.
Thank God!
(no injuries, nothing like that. It's just another notch in my car's "I-hate-snow-and-I-hate-ice-even-more" belt. Luckily, I was going really slow...slow enough to watch my car reverse itself in the middle of the road)
Thank God!
(no injuries, nothing like that. It's just another notch in my car's "I-hate-snow-and-I-hate-ice-even-more" belt. Luckily, I was going really slow...slow enough to watch my car reverse itself in the middle of the road)
mobile blog,
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Workin' On Our Trust Issues
When I first adopted Tobey, the guy at the animal rescue told me there were a few "things" I needed to know before making my decision.
The most important was that Tobey was never going to be a 'lovey' cat. He didn't like to be held, he tolerated being pet, and well...he was stand offish.
Well, I am here to say yup, all that is true and he forgot to mention one other thing - he bites.
But I was sure (read: stubborn) that my winning personality would eventually win this little guy over. Which brings us to today. I was sitting on the couch absently watching T.V. and petting Tobey at the same time when he bit my hand. We'd been working on this, so I bopped him on the nose and sternly told him "no biting" and then, as he was giving me the stink eye (it was a good bop), I picked him up as I normally do to show him I still love him.
Well, imagine my surprise when he didn't immediately wriggle out of my arms but instead stretched out and, even more surprising, promptly fell. asleep. Asleep!
Which I let him enjoy until my back reminded me that the position I was in was not conducive to comfort so I moved a bit which caused Tobey to jump up and resume his previous stink eye.
He hasn't come anywhere near me since but he was so kind as to let me snap this picture.
You can tell just by looking at him how much he loves me.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
This Face
You know you're loved when you wake up nose to nose with this ... either that or he's lulling me into a false sense of security and one day I'll wake up nose to...something else.
*** shudder ***
*** shudder ***
The Glory of Washington Park
This is Washington Park - one of my favorite places here in Denver.
Of course, we are in the middle of winter so the trees aren't quite so green...and the flowers are, well, they're in hiding until Spring but Washington Park is gorgeous in any color - even white.
This message is a mobile blogging test - but I thought I'd dress it up with a pretty picture.
Of course, we are in the middle of winter so the trees aren't quite so green...and the flowers are, well, they're in hiding until Spring but Washington Park is gorgeous in any color - even white.
This message is a mobile blogging test - but I thought I'd dress it up with a pretty picture.
Discovering Denver,
mobile blog,
Pretty Colorado.
Monday, January 5, 2009
First Day, Winter Quarter
So today was the first day of our Winter Quarter. Winter Quarter runs from January to mid-March. Yup, you read that right: 3 little months.
My schedule is pretty easy: Intro to Sociology Mon/Wed, Two Digital Media courses Tues and Thurs, and Spanish M-Th. On Monday, I go in at 12p and I'm out by 3. Tues/Thurs is a little more challenging. I start at 10a (no, that's not the challenging part) and do not get out until 3p. In that time frame, I get two 10 minute breaks. One of those 10 minute breaks will be spent running (literally) from one end of the campus to the other and then up four flights of stairs.
Woo-friggin-hoo. I'm so not excited about Tues/Thurs. as far as scheduling goes. I am excited about the classes, however.
And that's it. That's my news. Oh, and, for my first day, I had a lovely cold. Yes, I spent my time in the classroom sniffling and dripping and trying not to sneeze. It was quite enjoyable. I'm sure I made many friends.
And, if that wasn't enough, there was one other thing that just sort of...popped up. I've posted a picture to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about. you see any, er...prominent points that might stand out in this picture? Look ya see it now?
Mmm-hmmm. I have absolutely no idea where it came from. It just appeared. I hope that tomorrow, it takes a cue, and just as quickly disappears.
Like I said, I'm sure I made some great impressions today.
My schedule is pretty easy: Intro to Sociology Mon/Wed, Two Digital Media courses Tues and Thurs, and Spanish M-Th. On Monday, I go in at 12p and I'm out by 3. Tues/Thurs is a little more challenging. I start at 10a (no, that's not the challenging part) and do not get out until 3p. In that time frame, I get two 10 minute breaks. One of those 10 minute breaks will be spent running (literally) from one end of the campus to the other and then up four flights of stairs.
Woo-friggin-hoo. I'm so not excited about Tues/Thurs. as far as scheduling goes. I am excited about the classes, however.
And that's it. That's my news. Oh, and, for my first day, I had a lovely cold. Yes, I spent my time in the classroom sniffling and dripping and trying not to sneeze. It was quite enjoyable. I'm sure I made many friends.
And, if that wasn't enough, there was one other thing that just sort of...popped up. I've posted a picture to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about. you see any, er...prominent points that might stand out in this picture? Look ya see it now?
Mmm-hmmm. I have absolutely no idea where it came from. It just appeared. I hope that tomorrow, it takes a cue, and just as quickly disappears.
Like I said, I'm sure I made some great impressions today.
University of Denver
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Thrift Store Saturday
My love of thrift stores has not changed since coming to Denver. In fact, almost my entire apartment has been furnished with Thrift store finds. My favorite one, ARC, is about 5 minutes away and every Saturday they have a 50% off sale of everything in the store - less one color.
In the beginning, I made it a habit to go every week because I could always find something I needed and ARC never let me down. Even though the apartment is 98.5% completed, I still find myself there every Saturday, looking for that other 1.5%.
There's the picture I still need for over my T.V. and in between the two bookshelves...

This should work nicely, don't you think?

And the cat condo to keep my cats from using the couch ...

Of course...if one cat decides to be King, he does risk the chance of being overthrown.

Then there's the book ends my 'big books' need to hold them up...

These seem to be doing the job quite nicely.

And, speaking of books, of course I am always looking to expand my book collection...

These are a nice start.

Now, do you see why I love this place?
Not included in today's post but also purchased: A pair of jeans for Robby, a picture for Berns' kitchen, a basket for under my coffee table, and the perfect creame shaggy bathmat. Total spent? $30.00.
In the beginning, I made it a habit to go every week because I could always find something I needed and ARC never let me down. Even though the apartment is 98.5% completed, I still find myself there every Saturday, looking for that other 1.5%.
There's the picture I still need for over my T.V. and in between the two bookshelves...
This should work nicely, don't you think?
And the cat condo to keep my cats from using the couch ...
Of course...if one cat decides to be King, he does risk the chance of being overthrown.
Then there's the book ends my 'big books' need to hold them up...
These seem to be doing the job quite nicely.
And, speaking of books, of course I am always looking to expand my book collection...
These are a nice start.
Now, do you see why I love this place?
Not included in today's post but also purchased: A pair of jeans for Robby, a picture for Berns' kitchen, a basket for under my coffee table, and the perfect creame shaggy bathmat. Total spent? $30.00.
Thrift Store treasures
Friday, January 2, 2009
In a Library mood
Last night I realized something: I have been in Denver for almost six months and I have absolutely no idea where the local library is.
Of course, I had to rectify that so I immediately hopped online and found one a little less than a mile away.
So this afternoon, I headed on out and discovered our little hidden gem - sitting almost indistinguishable from the neighborhood houses.
It's not the biggest place and their romance section didn't even cover one entire shelf...but I did find these authors so I'm happy.

Besides, if I require anything else, I can just order it in from a bigger branch.
There was one particular book I was looking for but they didn't have it or anything else by the author.
I'd read the first one in the series, Seducing His Wife, awhile back and immediately wanted to find the next one but haven't had any luck. So I went onto Amazon and ordered it for $4.00. This is winging it's way to my mailbox right now.

I'm a happy girl!
Of course, I had to rectify that so I immediately hopped online and found one a little less than a mile away.
So this afternoon, I headed on out and discovered our little hidden gem - sitting almost indistinguishable from the neighborhood houses.
It's not the biggest place and their romance section didn't even cover one entire shelf...but I did find these authors so I'm happy.

Besides, if I require anything else, I can just order it in from a bigger branch.
There was one particular book I was looking for but they didn't have it or anything else by the author.
I'd read the first one in the series, Seducing His Wife, awhile back and immediately wanted to find the next one but haven't had any luck. So I went onto Amazon and ordered it for $4.00. This is winging it's way to my mailbox right now.
I'm a happy girl!
Discovering Denver
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