Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Official...

I. Am. In. Love.

With the Denver Library.

Did you know that this library is offering FREE e-book downloads? I'm talking about REAL e-books. The kind you would pay for on sites like (great site!) and it completely saves a trip to the Library itself.

Amazing! With just a few mouse clicks, I can be browsing hundreds of books that with just another click will be downloaded onto my computer for my enjoyment.

Now, before you go about getting anything in a painful wad, the download is only temporary (21 days - just like if you'd done a traditional checkout), and you can't save the book (well, I am sure there's some way to do it :::as there is with everything:::) but I am just so in love with the features, I'm happy just as things are.

Ahhh, ain't love grand?

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