But enough about all that. I have NEWS! I am going to Austria. I decided a week before the applications were due that I wanted to do this and so I ran around like crazy last week to get everything in order. Of course, as soon as I did, everything started falling apart, which meant I was picking up all the pieces. Tomorrow, one of those pieces is ::::hopefully:::: going to fall in place and I can stop stressing but we'll see. I have every hope.
I've also taken up skiing in the time since I've been gone. One of my friends, Phil, was so very nice and offered to teach me. So up we went and after a bit of a rocky start (too much sun + too many clothes = Katrina almost passing out), I. Loved. It. See my smile?
I was ziggin'. I was zaggin'. I fell a few times but learned early on that falling in the snow was a lot less painful than falling in other places, so I was okay with that. And then I came to this hill.
This hill and I had a love hate relationship. At first, I hated it. I did not want to go down. I wanted to sit and scoot on my butt the whole way but Phil wouldn't let me. Every time I'd look down it, I wanted to puke. It's a steeeeeeeep hill. This picture is actually from the 2nd time we went, when I could actually stop and not be afraid to whip out the camera. That first time tho...let's just say that, had I been Phil, I'd of smacked me upside the head and/or pushed me down that hill. It seriously took me the better part of an hour. I'm proud to say that I whupped its butt the next time out though (multiple times).
And now, on to the boys.
I took these two pictures the day I first got back from CA (yes, that'd be in December). The boys were so happy to see me, they wouldn't let me out of their sight.
Some bubbah-love.
It's starts off catching them in a moment, where they pretend nothing is going on...
Then they're caught in a hug...
Before finally...they've given up hiding it and settle in for some real snuggling.
And to wrap things up, I had to throw in this picture of Tobey and my bear, Dumbell (don't ask. I still don't know how that name came to be).
C'mon, it's ok to say it: Awwwwwww.
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