Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Under the Weather.

Sorry for the silence but I seem to have caught the cold that is going through my morning Philosophy class. I swear, at least 70% of the people there have symptoms ranging from the sniffles to an an outright hack-up-a-lung cough - including the chick behind me. Of course, I also went and rode my bike to school on Monday with wet hair - AND on Saturday I kind of got caught in the rain without a jacket while we were at the German Festival (I got to spend the weekend with Vamp and her bros and we totally took in the sights of CO Springs).

So I'm sure that all of those things combined have brought me to where I am now - wallowing in Claritin-D and toilet paper (next time, I'm buying the tissue - my nose will thank me).

That said, I thought I'd post some pictures from our adventures this weekend.

And last but not least, I thought I'd introduce you to the babies.

This is Charlie.

And this is Tobey.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bicycle Update

So the Walmart out here thinks I am a total flake. I brought in a bicycle on Sunday (the one I purchased the week school started) because the brakes had gone out. I traded it in for a Schwinn thinking, Hey, it's quadruple the price of the one that broke - that means it's better quality, right?

Wrong! First of all, I couldn't actually test the bike out until I got it home (which I did...after scratching up the rear end of my car trying to get it in the trunk..grr). So the lack of testing means that I missed the fact that the seat was not secure. As in, when you get on it, it immediately pitches forward (or backward, or to the left or right depending on which way you set your weight). So yeah...

And yet, I still tried it out. Monday was a disaster. The bike was heavy, the seat kept trying to eject me, and I barely made it to class. I ended up walking the bike home.

That night, I went out and bought myself a proper backpack (sooo in love with the backpack) and I took my 2nd bike back to Walmart. Of course, Glover Luck held and the same gal I'd returned the previous bike to took this return as well. I explained the problem and she looked at me like, "It's a Schwinn...there's nothing wrong with it," and recommended some bike place around the corner. Valiantly (read: stubbornly), I told her I was sure I could find something.

I am now on my 3rd bike. I rode it to school Tuesday and was so bruised on my behind, I walked it home BUT I liked it. It was just as light as the first bike and it rode well except I had forgotten just how hard that first seat was (one thing I will give to Schwinn - they make a comfy seat...if it would just hold still!). So, a new bicycle seat later and I can officially say, I really, really like this bike! The seat is SO comfy and I made it to school in great time. And best yet, I am not afraid of the ride home - even though it is considerably warmer today (that means it's probably in the low 80s). It's kind of funny because Monday there was a chill in the air and snow in the mountains. I was kind of hoping that trend would continue but alas, the sun is out and I guess I'll just have to deal with the lovely breeze that comes through the trees every few seconds.

Colorado is so gorgeous.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A quickie.

I'm sitting in Philosophy class (we're on break) and I am still taking some deep breaths over the ride here this morning. I don't know what/where I went wrong but this morning kicked my butt. To the point that I barely made it up the first block before I was heaving and huffing like it had been 10 years off a bike instead of 4 days.

I even had to stop at the store because I was about to pass out (those who have seen me work out at the gym - just picture me in our aerobic class with purple lips, etc). I gulped down some water but even that didn't help too much.

I made it to class with 2 minutes to spare instead of the normal 20 min early. Seriously, something went way wrong this morning.

And in a couple hours, I get to do it again but this time. Up hill.

Yay me.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week One Recap

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day #2

The face's just keep getting better and better, don't they?

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Orientation Week