Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The 1st District of Vienna

When I left my class at 10:30 this morning, I had every intention of going back to my apartment and diving into my lovely bed – something my god-awful early morning class had taken me away from.

Alas, Vienna had other ideas.

I knew Vienna could be tempting but I was quite dedicated to the task at hand until she upped the ante with a cool, sweater required day that welcomed me like a long-lost friend (oh, how I do love my cold days).

And just like that, I succumbed to her wiles and breathlessly walked about the first district - camera in hand. Just like any proper tourist. Because I am, after all, a tourist.

I walked on streets that had been previously roamed by Roman soldiers.

Admired monuments erected by Kings of Old

Stopped at bare-bottomed fountains

And was ogled by a woman the color of mold.

And when my body begged for reprieve, I gave it. With the warning that tomorrow’s forecast calls for the same thing.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Last Sunday

To say that I am a homebody is the understatement of the year.

Anyone who really knows me, knows that I am perfectly content to sit around all day in my PJ's and play on the computer. Yes, I am a geek to the umpteenth power and this definitely has some bearing on my single status but let's just focus, shall we?

Anyway, it was Sunday and I'd spent Friday night and all of Saturday in the state I've just described (shut up, I am not pathetic. I'm committed to my computer, that's all. It get's lonely when I leave). In a moment of clarity, I decided to get out. Go somewhere. Where didn't matter so long as I was out of the house.

So, with a little bit of grumbling and a lot of self prodding, I showered and dressed - making sure to put on extra deodarant to compensate for those who think it's an option here in Vienna (take my word - there are a lot who consider it an option and over compensating does nothing but make you smell like you took a baby-powder shower).

My destination was one I'd heard some girls talking about. The Donauinsel - a manmade island dividing the Danube River - where you can ride bikes, swim, and picnic (I also heard it had Mexican food).

Of course, being me, I managed to miss the exit and wound up taking the U-Bahn all the way to Florisdorf - also known as the last exit on the U-Bahn. Whoops. But that was okay I told myself. I'll just explore this area.

Only, yah, it seems Florisdorf (which I have just typed as Floris-DORK for the umpteenth time) is primarily a residential area with a couple scattered shops. Which, of course, are closed on Sunday's.

Undeterred (or stubborn, take your pick), I did a little window shopping and walked on and on until finally, FINALLY I found the River. I think. By then, I was too tired to explore so I collapsed by the river bank and tried to convince this Mama Duck I had no interest beyond that of a photographers in her little babies.

She didn't believe me, gathered her brood, and away they went, tossing quacks over their shoulder, which I'm sure were insults.

The area of River I did see was lovely. Green and lush, with a breeze stirring the overgrown grass.

I watched as people went windsurfing and boating and biking.

One day I'll be a big girl and try that out for myself but for now, I just watched.

Then I strolled a little farther down and found my duck family again. This time, just to tick of the Mama, I sat on a little park bench I found and, insulated from the rest of the world, laid down and relaxed and enjoyed my peaceful afternoon.

And that was my day. I found a bench, pestered a Mama duck, and oggled people. Overall, a productive day, wouldn't you say?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Honey-breaded grilled zucchini

Yes, these are as delicious as they sound. But how to make them - that's what you want to know, right? Surprisingly, they are amazingly simple to make.

What you'll need:
(1) Bread crumbs - the finer the better - it cannot be too fine!
(2) Honey
(3) Zucchini
(4) Choice seasoning(s) for the bread crumbs - I go with simple salt and pepper

And now, for the preparation.
- First, slice up the zucchini, the thickness is up to you. I prefer about 1/2 an inch
- Dip each slice in the honey - getting a nice, thin, sticky coat on there
- Toss the slice into the seasoned bread crumbs (I use a bowl)
- Transfer into a frying pan (no butter, no oil - nada). Set the heat on medium/low or medium (remember: the higher the heat, the faster they're going to cook so if you have thick slices, you don't want it too hot)
- Nicely brown each slice (allowing enough time for them to soften)
- Serve warm

Yum, yum!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Don't Pay Me No Mind...

You're going to see this site changing over and over again as I begin testing a new layout (widgets and gadgets - oh my). The theme/look may or may not change depending on my mood.

Just a little warning :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

We interrupt this program for this annoucement

Know anyone who needs a site design or redesign?

Rather desperate college student - who just checked her bank balance and nearly wept - ready and willing to offer her services.

Send 'em my way folks.

We will now return you to your scheduled program...